Use "framework|frameworks" in a sentence

1. Fixed and mobile frameworks for buildings, framework parts and accessories therefor

2. Panel discussion 1: Concepts for a new accountability framework or frameworks for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

3. Ambif was proposed as a regionally standardized bond issuance framework due to different degrees of market developments, different legal and regulatory frameworks, and …

4. Ambif was proposed as a regionally standardized bond issuance framework due to different degrees of market developments, different legal and regulatory frameworks, and …

5. You are restricted to JDBC-based frameworks such as iBATIS or Spring JDBC (see Resources), or your own home-brewed data-access object (DAO) framework.

6. There are discernible cases of the Presocratics being influenced by conceptual frameworks, but they are not scientific frameworks.

7. Furniture, Cushions, Showcases (furniture), Frameworks, Display boards

8. The strategic framework of each United Nations department contains a short narrative highlighting the main themes of programmatic activity (overall orientation) as well as logical frameworks (logframes) of its constituent subprogrammes.

9. The Strategic Framework of each United Nations Department contains a short narrative highlighting the main themes of programmatic activity (overall orientation) as well as logical frameworks (logframes) of its constituent subprogrammes.

10. Towers, masts and aerial supporting frameworks of steel

11. Performance Frameworks indicators are reported in the AIRs.

12. Log4j is one of several Java logging frameworks.

13. Both operate within highly organised frameworks and infrastructures.

14. Python has several popular web Crawling libraries and frameworks

15. The disclosure provides metal organic frameworks comprising exception porosity.

16. Different consulting firms and experts have developed various frameworks.

17. IP-Biter - Framework The Hacker-friendly Tracking Framework

18. Building frameworks, wall cladding and formwork elements, all of metal

19. Its hardening features include filesystems encryption and access control frameworks .

20. We need the right rules and frameworks to promote accountability.

21. # Stainless steel blades and Acieral frameworks make the machine serve longer

22. ResultsBased Management and Accountability Framework and Risk-Based Audit Framework."

23. takes the core of the Angular framework and the CLI and provides a more modern development experience on top of them.Nx provides better linting, better testing, a faster CLI, support for popular community frameworks, and more.

24. At the time, Docker and most other Containerization frameworks were a …

25. Angle is an admin template based on Bootstrap and multiple frameworks

26. JIU/REP/2011/5 — Accountability frameworks in the United Nations system

27. Novel metal-organic frameworks as electrode material for lithium ion accumulators

28. By virtue of the pyrene columnar ordering, the Azine-linked frameworks are

29. We adhere to the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks.

30. Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework and Risk-based Audit Framework

31. Supporting lattice framework

32. Lattice supporting framework

33. Crystallographic Information Framework

34. Cairngorm aims to help developers apply Flex and third-party frameworks effectively

35. Admin4 administration tool framework

36. Metal structures, in particular of aluminium, frameworks, scaffolding, platforms and barriers of metal

37. We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.

38. Belizean Studies Curriculum Framework

39. Debates over Commodification have occurred primarily within two disciplinary frameworks: economics and cultural studies

40. There are many different frameworks identifying the components of a Target Operating Model.

41. What is Behave? Behave is one of the popular Python BDD test frameworks

42. • developing and maintaining financial management and accounting frameworks, policies, directives, standards, and guides;

43. At country level, for example, unique regulatory frameworks have to be taken into account

44. 2 We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.

45. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world

46. Software from the authors of Atomity Framework - the most advanced framework for software systems development

47. Asity Asity is an HTTP/WebSocket abstraction layer for various web frameworks on the JVM

48. To account for soil variability, the Richards equation is solved within deterministic and stochastic frameworks.

49. Bimetallic metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have two different metal ions in the inorganic nodes

50. “This reinforces the need for economic diversification and for strengthening fiscal and monetary frameworks.”

51. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world

52. Architecture -Knowledge and ability to apply architecture theories, principles, concepts, practices, methodologies and frameworks.

53. Acceptor framework for cdr grafting

54. The analytical framework subgroup 363.

55. Bluesky is a modeling framework

56. AWS Well-Architected Framework Abstract

57. Financial Administration Control Framework Document

58. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework

59. That's a utilitarian moral framework.

60. Centering Blackness Framework June 2020

61. The two frameworks, Kivy and Beeware added on to the Python’s strength of app development

62. • Ensure IM accountability frameworks and terms of reference are in place when information is shared

63. For these are, of their very nature, dependent on the acknowledgement of existing conceptual frameworks.

64. Apiator is a tool for creating API description automatically from annotation based web frameworks and javadoc

65. Agile methodologies are frameworks that teams and organizations use to put the Agile mindset into practice

66. The Azine-linked frameworks feature permanent porosity with high surface area and exhibit outstanding chemical stability

67. Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application

68. We must address the barriers of excessive banking secrecy, and complex legal and regulatory frameworks.

69. To this end, an adaptation of existing legal frameworks and water management administration was expected.

70. It is important to move from adhoc arrangements to more inclusive and representative institutional frameworks .

71. Astroid Framework for Joomla is the #1 Joomla Template framework with drag and drop layout builder interface

72. Ancyra Framework the Intelligent Application Creator

73. Similarly, control Abstraction can be seen from defining simple function calls to complete open source frameworks

74. So let's get a moral framework.

75. Ancyra Framework the Intelligent Application Creator..

76. UNOPS accountability framework and oversight policy

77. Information Sources The performance assessment framework was based on the program’s Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF).

78. As of yet, the APINA region had no policy frameworks to address its air pollution problems

79. The contractual framework: a sound contractual framework will add to the loan’s quality and enhance its internal grading.

80. • Frameworks for Expo 2010 programming (public affairs, communications, protocol, business promotion, Engaging Canadians) are developed and shared.